Official website of the
"To Always be  
 close to Jesus,
 that's my  
 life plan"

Carlo’s Time line



  He was born on 3 May in London at the “Portland ” clinic.
On 18 May he receives the Sacrament of Baptism in the presence of his paternal and maternal grandparents, his aunt Adriana and his great-grandmother Adriana in the Church of Our Lady of Dolours.
On 8 September, Carlo returns to Milan with his parents, who were in London for work obligations.

  he attends the local public kindergarten, Parco Pagani, in Milan.

  He begins elementary school at San Carlo Institute, but three months later, dueto practical reasons, he transfers to the Tommaseo Institute run by the Sisters of Saint Marcellina, where he completes his elementary and middle school years.

  On 16 June, having just turned seven, he receives his First Communion at the Convent of the Romite Sisters of Saint Ambrose in Perego

  On 24 May he receives the Sacrament of Confirmation in his parish church, Santa Maria Segreta.

  In September he begins high school at the Jesuit run Leo XIII Institute.

  On Monday, 2 October, Carlo falls ill. At first it appears to be just an ordinary flu.
On Sunday, 8 October, Carlo’s condition dramatically deteriorates and he is taken to De Marchi Clinic in Milan where he is diagnosed with M3 acute leukemia.
On Monday, 9 October, he is transferred to San Gerardo Hospital in Monza.
On Tuesday, 10 October, Carlo requests to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion, certain that he would shortly die.
On Wednesday, 11 October 2006, Carlo falls into a coma from a brain haemorrhage brought on by the M3 acute leukemia. Doctors declare him dead at 5:00 pm when all his brain activity ceases. The parents are unable to donate his organs to a young transplant patient because Carlo’s organs are compromised by the leukemia.
On Thursday, 12 October, at 6:45 am Carlo’s heart stops beating.This is the time of his legal death.
The funeral takes place on Saturday, 14 October, at Santa Maria Segreta Church. The Church is overcrowded with so many people that many have to remain outside.

  In January Carlo’s body is transferred from Ternengo Cemetery in Piedmont to a cemetery in Assisi as Carlo had requested.

  On 12 October the cause for Carlo’s Beatification and Canonisation is officially opened and he becomes a Servant of God.

  On 13 May the Holy See’s Nihil Obstat approves Carlo’s Cause for Beatification and Canonisation.

  On 24 November in the presence of Cardinal Angelo Scola, the Diocesan level for the Cause for Beatification and Canonisation of the Servant of God Carlo Acutis, ends at the Archbishopry of Milan.

  On 5 July Pope Francis declares Carlo Venerable.

  On 23 January Carlo’s body is exhumed.
On 6 April Carlo’s body is translated to the Shrine of Renunciation in Assisi.

  On 10 October Carlo is beatified in Assisi.