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Carlo Acutis La Meta (The Destination)
Carlo Acutis
Un giovane per I giovani (A young boy for young people)
La Meta (The Destination)Volume 1

Author:Nicola Gori
Illustrations:Mario Cossu
Publisher: San Paolo Edizioni
Publication:November 2013
Carlo Acutis is a boy of our time: modern, confident, computing expert. Full of life and faith, a sudden and malignant illness quickly took him away; but he continues to live because of his faith and modernity, which made him an example for the children of his age. His story has aroused deep admiration of those who knew him directly, and among those who came in contact with him. He became quickly popular and loved. The richly illustrated volume, doesn’t just show Carlo’s life but also a path walking in faith.
Carlo Acutis Eucaristia (The Eucharist).  La mia autostrada per il cielo (My highway to heaven)
La mia autostrada per il cielo (My highway to heaven)
Biography of Carlo Acutis

Author:Nicola Gori
Publisher:San Paolo Edizioni
Series:Testimoni del nostro tempo (Witnesses of our time)
Publishing: October 2007
Acutis Carlo (1991-2006) was a teenager of our time, similar to many others. Interested in school, surrounded by friends and a great lover of personal computers. At the same time he was a great friend of Jesus Christ, he participated daily in the Eucharist and placed his trust in the Virgin Mary. He died at the age of 15 from a fulminant leukaemia and offered his life for the Pope and for the Church. His story has aroused deep admiration of those who knew him. The book arises from the desire to tell everyone his simple, incredibly human and deeply Christian story.
Carlo Acutis La vita oltre il confine (Life beyond the border)
Carlo Acutis
La vita oltre il confine (Life beyond the border)

Author:Occhetta Francesco
Series:Testimoni del nostro tempo (Witnesses of our time)
Publishing: January 2013
The short life of a boy (1991-2006) who, struck by fulminant leukaemia, offered his suffering to the Lord, for the Pope and for the Church.
Carlo Acutis La Bussola (The Compass)
Issue in autumn 2015
Carlo Acutis
Un giovane per i giovani (A young boy for young people)
La Bussola (The Compass)

Author:Nicola Gori
Illustrations:Mario Cossu
Publisher:San Paolo Edizioni
Prossima Pubblicazione 2015
Carlo Acutis I Mezzi (The Means). La mia autostrada per il cielo (My highway to heaven)
Issue in winter 2015
Carlo Acutis
Un giovane per i giovani (A young boy for young people)
I Mezzi (The Means)

Author:Nicola Gori
Illustrations:Mario Cossu
Publisher:San Paolo Edizioni
Next publication 2015